update('forum:'.$_GET['id']); // // Include the page header // require(ROOT_PATH.'sources/page_head.php'); // // Get information about the forum // $result = $db->query("SELECT f.id, f.name, f.auth, f.topics, f.status, f.hide_mods_list, c.id AS cat_id, c.name AS cat_name FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f, ".TABLE_PREFIX."cats c WHERE f.id = ".$_GET['id']." AND f.cat_id = c.id"); $forumdata = $db->fetch_result($result); if ( !$forumdata['id'] ) { // // This forum does not exist, show an error // header(HEADER_404); $template->add_breadcrumb($lang['Error']); $template->parse('msgbox', 'global', array( 'box_title' => $lang['Error'], 'content' => sprintf($lang['NoSuchForum'], 'ID '.$_GET['id']) )); } else { if ( $functions->auth($forumdata['auth'], 'view', $_GET['id']) ) { // // User is allowed to view this forum // $template->add_breadcrumb(unhtml(stripslashes($forumdata['name']))); $forum_moderators = $functions->get_mods_list($_GET['id']); $new_topic_link = ( ( $functions->auth($forumdata['auth'], 'post', $_GET['id']) // True if is guest but members can post. Will redirect to login. || ( $functions->get_config('show_posting_links_to_guests') && !$session->sess_info['user_id'] && $functions->auth($forumdata['auth'], 'post', $_GET['id'], FALSE, array('id' => -1, 'level' => LEVEL_MEMBER)) ) ) && ( $forumdata['status'] || $functions->get_user_level() == LEVEL_ADMIN ) ) ? ''.$lang['PostNewTopic'].'' : ''; // // Get page number // $numpages = ceil(intval($forumdata['topics']) / $functions->get_config('topics_per_page')); $page = ( !empty($_GET['page']) && valid_int($_GET['page']) && intval($_GET['page']) > 0 && intval($_GET['page']) <= $numpages ) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $limit_start = ( $page - 1 ) * $functions->get_config('topics_per_page'); $limit_end = $functions->get_config('topics_per_page'); $page_links = $functions->make_page_links($numpages, $page, $forumdata['topics'], $functions->get_config('topics_per_page'), 'forum.php', $_GET['id']); // // Output the topic list // $template->parse('header', 'topiclist', array( 'forum_name' => ''.unhtml(stripslashes($forumdata['name'])).'', 'forum_moderators' => ( !$forumdata['hide_mods_list'] && $forum_moderators != $lang['Nobody'] ) ? sprintf($lang['ModeratorList'], $forum_moderators) : '', 'new_topic_link' => $new_topic_link, 'page_links' => $page_links )); if ( $forumdata['topics'] ) { // // Get the topic list information in one query // $result = $db->query("SELECT t.id, t.topic_title, t.last_post_id, t.count_replies, t.count_views, t.status_locked, t.status_sticky, p.poster_guest, p2.poster_guest AS last_poster_guest, p2.post_time AS last_post_time, u.id AS poster_id, u.displayed_name AS poster_name, u.level AS poster_level, u2.id AS last_poster_id, u2.displayed_name AS last_poster_name, u2.level AS last_poster_level FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."topics t, ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."members u ON p.poster_id = u.id, ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p2 LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."members u2 ON p2.poster_id = u2.id WHERE t.forum_id = ".$_GET['id']." AND p.id = t.first_post_id AND p2.id = t.last_post_id ORDER BY t.status_sticky DESC, p2.post_time DESC LIMIT ".$limit_start.", ".$limit_end); while ( $topicdata = $db->fetch_result($result) ) { // // Loop through the topics, generating output... // $topic_name = ''.unhtml($functions->replace_badwords(stripslashes($topicdata['topic_title']))).''; if ( $topicdata['status_sticky'] ) $topic_name = $lang['Sticky'].': '.$topic_name; $last_post_author = ( $topicdata['last_poster_id'] > LEVEL_GUEST ) ? $functions->make_profile_link($topicdata['last_poster_id'], $topicdata['last_poster_name'], $topicdata['last_poster_level']) : unhtml(stripslashes($topicdata['last_poster_guest'])); list($topic_icon, $topic_status) = $functions->topic_icon($topicdata['id'], $topicdata['status_locked'], $topicdata['last_post_time']); if ( $topic_status == $lang['NewPosts'] || $topic_status == $lang['LockedNewPosts'] ) { $topic_name = sprintf($template->get_config('newpost_link_format'), $functions->make_url('topic.php', array('id' => $topicdata['id'], 'act' => 'getnewpost')).'#newpost', 'templates/'.$functions->get_config('template').'/gfx/'.$template->get_config('newpost_link_icon'), $topic_status) . $topic_name; } // // Parse the topic template // $template->parse('topic', 'topiclist', array( 'topic_icon' => $topic_icon, 'topic_status' => $topic_status, 'topic_name' => $topic_name, 'topic_page_links' => ( $topicdata['count_replies']+1 > $functions->get_config('posts_per_page') ) ? $functions->make_page_links(ceil(intval($topicdata['count_replies']+1) / $functions->get_config('posts_per_page')), '0', $topicdata['count_replies']+1, $functions->get_config('posts_per_page'), 'topic.php', $topicdata['id'], false) : '', 'author' => ( $topicdata['poster_id'] > LEVEL_GUEST ) ? $functions->make_profile_link($topicdata['poster_id'], $topicdata['poster_name'], $topicdata['poster_level']) : unhtml(stripslashes($topicdata['poster_guest'])), 'replies' => $topicdata['count_replies'], 'views' => $topicdata['count_views'], 'author_date' => sprintf($lang['AuthorDate'], $last_post_author, $functions->make_date($topicdata['last_post_time'])), 'by_author' => sprintf($lang['ByAuthor'], $last_post_author), 'on_date' => sprintf($lang['OnDate'], $functions->make_date($topicdata['last_post_time'])), 'lp_author' => $last_post_author, 'lp_date' => $functions->make_date($topicdata['last_post_time']), 'last_post_url' => $functions->make_url('topic.php', array('post' => $topicdata['last_post_id'])).'#post'.$topicdata['last_post_id'] )); } } else { // // There are no topics yet... // $template->parse('notopics', 'topiclist'); } // // Topiclist footer // $template->parse('footer', 'topiclist', array( 'forum_name' => ''.unhtml(stripslashes($forumdata['name'])).'', 'forum_moderators' => ( !$forumdata['hide_mods_list'] && $forum_moderators != $lang['Nobody'] ) ? sprintf($lang['ModeratorList'], $forum_moderators) : '', 'new_topic_link' => $new_topic_link, 'page_links' => $page_links )); // // If this is the only (viewable) forum and the forum has been set up // to kick the user to this only (viewable) forum ... // if ( $functions->get_config('single_forum_mode') && $functions->get_stats('viewable_forums') === 1 ) $functions->forum_stats_box(); } else { // // The user is not granted to view this forum // $functions->redir_to_login(); } } // // Include the page footer // require(ROOT_PATH.'sources/page_foot.php'); } else { // // There's no forum ID! Get us back to the index... // $functions->redirect('index.php'); } ?>