update('profile:'.$_GET['id']); // // Include the page header // require(ROOT_PATH.'sources/page_head.php'); if ( !$functions->get_config('guests_can_view_profiles') && $session->sess_info['user_id'] == LEVEL_GUEST ) { $functions->redir_to_login(); } else { // // Get the user information // if ( $_GET['id'] == $session->sess_info['user_id'] ) { // // This user is viewing his own profile, so we don't need a new query // $own_profile = true; } else { // // This user is not viewing his own profile, so we need a new query // $own_profile = false; $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."members WHERE id = ".$_GET['id']); $profiledata = $db->fetch_result($result); } if ( $own_profile || $profiledata['id'] ) { // // The user exists, show its profile // if ( $own_profile ) { $profiledata = $session->sess_info['user_info']; $template->add_breadcrumb($lang['YourPanel'], array('panel.php')); $template->add_breadcrumb($lang['ViewProfile']); // // View the panel menu if the user is viewing his own profile // $template->parse('menu', 'panel', array( 'panel_home' => ''.$lang['PanelHome'].'', 'panel_subscriptions' => ''.$lang['Subscriptions'].'', 'view_profile' => ''.$lang['ViewProfile'].'', 'panel_profile' => ''.$lang['EditProfile'].'', 'panel_options' => ''.$lang['EditOptions'].'', 'panel_passwd' => ''.$lang['EditPasswd'].'', )); } else { $template->add_breadcrumb(sprintf($lang['Profile'], unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['displayed_name'])))); } $username = unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['displayed_name'])); if ( $functions->get_user_level() == LEVEL_ADMIN || $own_profile ) $username .= ' ('.unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['name'])).')'; if ( !$own_profile && $functions->antispam_is_potential_spammer($profiledata) ) $username .= $template->get_config('item_delimiter').''.$lang['PotentialSpammer'].''; if ( $functions->get_user_level() == LEVEL_ADMIN && !$own_profile ) { $username .= $template->get_config('item_delimiter').''.$lang['EditThisMember'].''; $username .= $template->get_config('item_delimiter').''.$lang['Delete'].''; } switch ( $profiledata['level'] ) { case 3: $level = $lang['Administrator']; break; case 2: $level = $lang['Moderator']; break; case 1: $level = $lang['Member']; break; } if ( $profiledata['last_login_show'] || $own_profile || $functions->get_user_level() == LEVEL_ADMIN ) $last_login = ( $profiledata['last_login'] != 0 ) ? $functions->make_date($profiledata['last_login']) : $lang['Never']; else $last_login = $lang['Hidden']; if ( !$profiledata['avatar_type'] ) { $avatar = ''; } else { $avatar = ''; $avatars_force_width = (int)$functions->get_config('avatars_force_width'); $avatars_force_height = (int)$functions->get_config('avatars_force_height'); if ( $avatars_force_width > 0 || $avatars_force_height > 0 ) $template->set_js_onload('resize_avatars('.$avatars_force_width.','.$avatars_force_height.')'); } $days_since_registration = ( ( time() - $profiledata['regdate'] ) / 86400 ); if ( $days_since_registration <= 1 ) $posts_per_day = $profiledata['posts']; else $posts_per_day = round($profiledata['posts'] / $days_since_registration, 2); $birthday = $profiledata['birthday']; if ( $birthday ) $age = $functions->calculate_age($birthday); else $age = ''; $target_blank = ( $functions->get_config('target_blank') ) ? ' rel="external"' : ''; if ( $functions->get_user_level() == LEVEL_GUEST && !$functions->get_config('guests_can_see_contact_info') ) { // // Hide contact info for guests // $email_v = $lang['Hidden']; $msnm_v = $yahoom_v = $aim_v = $icq_v = $jabber_v = $skype_v = ''; } else { $email_v = $functions->show_email($profiledata); $msnm_v = ( preg_match(EMAIL_PREG, $profiledata['msnm']) ) ? ''.$profiledata['msnm'].'' : unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['msnm'])); $yahoom_v = ( !empty($profiledata['yahoom']) ) ? ''.unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['yahoom'])).'' : ''; $aim_v = ( !empty($profiledata['aim']) ) ? ''.unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['aim'])).'' : ''; $icq_v = ( valid_int($profiledata['icq']) ) ? ''.intval($profiledata['icq']).'' : unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['icq'])); $jabber_v = ( preg_match(EMAIL_PREG, $profiledata['jabber']) ) ? ''.$profiledata['jabber'].'' : unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['jabber'])); $skype_v = ( !empty($profiledata['skype']) ) ? ''.unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['skype'])).'' : ''; } $can_add_profile_links = $functions->antispam_can_add_profile_links($profiledata); $template->parse('profile', 'various', array( 'title' => sprintf($lang['Profile'], unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['displayed_name']))), 'username_v' => $username, 'userid_v' => $_GET['id'], 'real_name_v' => unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['real_name'])), 'level_v' => $level, 'rank_v' => stripslashes($profiledata['rank']), 'avatar_v' => $avatar, 'regdate_v' => $functions->make_date($profiledata['regdate']), 'posts_v' => $profiledata['posts'], 'postsperday_v' => $posts_per_day, 'searchposts' => ''.$lang['SearchMembersPosts'].'', 'lastlogin_v' => $last_login, 'age_v' => $age, 'location_v' => unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['location'])), 'website_v' => ( !empty($profiledata['website']) ) ? ''.unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['website'])).'' : '', 'occupation_v' => unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['occupation'])), 'interests_v' => unhtml(stripslashes($profiledata['interests'])), 'signature_v' => $functions->markup($functions->replace_badwords(stripslashes($profiledata['signature'])), $functions->get_config('sig_allow_bbcode'), $functions->get_config('sig_allow_smilies'), NULL, NULL, $can_add_profile_links), 'email_v' => $email_v, 'msnm_v' => $msnm_v, 'yahoom_v' => $yahoom_v, 'aim_v' => $aim_v, 'icq_v' => $icq_v, 'icq_status' => '', // Removed March 2010 'jabber_v' => $jabber_v, 'skype_v' => $skype_v )); } else { // // This user does not exist, show an error // header(HEADER_404); $template->add_breadcrumb($lang['Error']); $template->parse('msgbox', 'global', array( 'box_title' => $lang['Error'], 'content' => sprintf($lang['NoSuchMember'], 'ID '.$_GET['id']) )); } } // // Include the page footer // require(ROOT_PATH.'sources/page_foot.php'); } else { // // There's no user ID! Get us back to the index... // $functions->redirect('index.php'); } ?>